油絵 | Oil Painting
This work was painted using only oil paints, using techniques developed as a maki-e artist, such as the use of a maki-e brush to represent hair.
ブルネット(手描き)シリーズ | Burnet Series
2023/9/17 更新
油彩:275mm × 410mm(例外あり)
ブルネット(手描き)シリーズ:290mm × 410mm
レジン:290mm × 410mm
[SOLD OUT]と表記された作品でも制作が可能な場合がありますので、ご興味がありましたらご連絡ください。
The Oil paintings and Brunette series are one-offs and are not for sale. However, print editions are available for sale, so please contact us if you are interested.
For information on the sale of artworks, please see the purchase procedure page and contact us.
In some cases, works marked ‘SOLD OUT’ can be produced, so please contact us if you are interested.